Today I picked eight bright, red, little, and I mean little, tomatoes! It has been fun watching them grow.
A blog from my point of view about life, food, diet and articles of interest...mostly to women, but beneficial for all.
Put the vinegar mixture into a spray bottle and spray on your hair and scalp. Be sure to avoid the eye and ear area. Wrap a towel around your head and leave on 20 minutes to an hour before washing the vinegar from your hair. Do this a couple of times a week and let me know if it helps your dandruff.
Give your silver a sparkle bath! Soak your silver jewelry and silverware in 1/2 cup white vinegar plus 2 Tbs. baking soda for two or three hours. Rinse with cool water and dry with a soft cloth.
Get rid of stains! Mix 1 1/2 tsp. mild dish soap and a few drops of white vinegar and put on the stains; rinse, wash and see the difference! :)
Although vinegar is inexpensive, I consider it valuable because it has so many uses.
Until tomorrow...have a great day...and remember to eat healthy!
Today it is raining in the Imperial Desert Valley!
And yes, it is snowing here in the desert too...so to speak. Actually the snowflakes are in my kitchen. My wonderful 91 year old cousin who lives in Tennessee is engaged in a new hobby. Origami snowflakes. She sent me three snowflakes to hang in my kitchen. They are amazing, just like she is.
Enjoy your day... rain or shine or even snow!