Monday, February 1, 2010

Who has a flat belly?

Welcome to 'My Favorite Read'!

Let me begin by telling you how my favorite read became my favorite read. I have more than one, but this is the one that first spiked my interest.

Several months ago while waiting in line at my favorite Super Walmart, a magazine cover caught my eye. It read "flat belly" foods. Wow...would I ever love to have a flatter belly. I bought the magazine and took it home to read. It introduced me to a new concept in dieting and diet.

Before I bought this magazine, I remember seeing a book at Costco titled 'Flat Belly Diet'. I thought it was a joke...a spoof book about something or other, but certainly not about getting a flat belly. Who has a flat belly? No one I know. I may have had a flat belly once, but that was a long time ago when I was younger and I worked out and watched what I ate. I haven't had a flat belly in 25 years or more!

Nevertheless, this little magazine by Prevention has changed my life, my diet, my weight and my health.

I have high (not to high) blood pressure and high (not to high) cholesterol. What a blow to my sense of well being. I didn't take kindly to the doctor when he suggested I take blood pressure pills and something to reduce my cholesterol. Surely he couldn't be talking to me! Surely the 30 pounds extra I was carrying around didn't have a negative effect on my health.

Like many of you, I have spent my life on a diet, but not one to lose weight. I have been on ice cream and doughnut diets; hamburger and french fries diets; eat everything you see diets and fast food diets. They always added weight.

I have gone on diets to lose weight but most of the time I didn't lose weight because I wan not committed. I wanted to lose weight but not enough to actually watch what I was eating or count the calories. However, there does come a time when you get motivated to lose weight. I have taken dieting seriously three time in my life. It has always been when a family member made a comment to me about my "fuller figure". To be exact, the comments came from the three most important men in my life; my father, my husband, and my son (in that order but years apart).

When I was 30 years old, my Dad and I traveled to a family reunion taking my 2 year old son to meet his cousins. While at the family picnic, Daddy commented I was getting a little "plump". He confirmed what I already knew. I came home and began to diet. I lost the extra pounds and kept them off for several years.

When I was thirty seven years old, and again plump, my husband made an unkind statement about my weight. It really hurt my feelings and made me mad. I joined Weight Watchers and lost the weight and kept it off for years.

I am now 63 and the pounds have once more attached themselves to me. My 36 year old son noticed how big my belly is and suggested I go on a diet and get some exercise. The truth hurts!

Remembering my sons comment about my belly caused me to take notice and take seriously the article I saw in Prevention magazine about a flat belly. belly is not yet flat ( like a model ) but I have lost 25 pounds and I am excited.

I walk two miles three days a week and sometimes more. It only takes me 30 minutes and it gives me time to pray, think and plan my day. I feel better and I know my health is better.

It is not to late to reclaim your health and your figure.
I am and you can too!

Thanks for visiting My Favorite Read.


  1. What a great Blog and so informative......I love you as a friend and I can see for myself how great you are looking. From now on your Blog is going to be - myfavoriteread - well next to my Bible I mean.....I am trying to get my head around all of this....I have lost some and I am excited about that. Thanks to you and your encouragement...Blessings, FanniPauline

  2. Pauline! Thank you for your encouragement! You are a wonderful friend and I love you. You are looking great, losing weight and I am so proud of you! Together we will continue a healthy diet...Always your friend, Van

  3. Hey, Van! I strayed from my healthy diet and have come back to my mostly raw, vegan diet and I feel great, too! Currently, I'm abstaining from all grain, as well (that darn belly fat!).

